- Possesses New York State Certification for School District Administrator (SDA) or School District Leader (SDL)
- Possesses New York State Certification in Special Education or Related Field
- Doctorate Preferred
- Experience as Building Leader Preferred
Reports To: Superintendent of Schools
Supervises: Director of Special Education, Supervisors of Special Education and all related Pupil Personnel Staff
Salary: $175,000-$200,000
Job Goals: The Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Personnel Services is responsible for the administration for Pupil Personnel Services including, but not limited to, special education, nursing services, mental health and counseling services, child welfare, homeschooling, and attendance, alternative education, student discipline, student residency and registration, emergency preparations, and pupil records.
Performance Requirements:
The position of Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) requires a thorough knowledge of all areas of pupil services, programs, laws and regulations relative to this area. The Assistant Superintendent for PPS must possess the ability to effectively coordinate pupil personnel services and programs designed to meet the special needs of unique learners. The successful candidate will be a member of the Administrative Cabinet; functioning effectively as a member of a team. It is expected that the chosen candidate will be committed to inclusive classroom environments for all learners, make appropriate staffing recommendation to the Superintendent, and work closely with the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment to ensure quality Tier I instruction and effective interventions for all learners. The Assistant Superintendent for PPS will also be expected to analyze departmental operations and make organizational recommendations to the superintendent for future planning purposes. Knowledge of the Professional Learning Communities Model (PLCs) will be strongly considered when selecting the desired candidate.
Specific Responsibilities Include (but are not limited to):
- Collaborating with all special education administrators, principals, assistant principals, special educators and support staff (school psychologists, social workers, guidance counselors, OTs, PTs, and speech & language pathologists) to monitor and evaluate special education programs
- Disseminating information to ensure that staff members are well informed and up to date with current developments in the field, including revisions to federal and state laws and regulations
- Providing training activities for staff in cooperation with the principals
- Overseeing the selection of new professional and non-instructional staff, in cooperation with the Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, and other administrators
- Conducting informal and formal observations
- Writing evaluations for PPS staff members
- Providing direct supervision to the Director of Special Education, Supervisors of Special Education, and departmental support staff
- Leading initiatives through Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)
- Ensuring coordination of, and compliance with, all programs and proposals related to pupil personnel services and Section 504 with Board of Education policy, federal and state regulations and transmit all pertinent information to appropriate personnel
- Overseeing the operation of the CSE and CPSE including: referral/placement log to ensure compliance with mandated timelines, scheduling, related communications to parents and staff, and ensure due process for parents
- Writing and managing Federal IDEA Section 611 and 619 regular grants
- Writing and presenting to the Board of Education the Annual Report on Special Education and Special Education Two-Year Plan
- Overseeing distribution of federal funds to approved special education private schools
- Serving as the primary spokesperson at all public functions related to pupil personnel services
- Developing special education and Section 504 services and programs to meet mandated requirements and individual pupil needs
- Reviewing all recommendations for placement of students in the Intensive Day Treatment (IDT) program
- Supervising District’s health services program
- Facilitating and overseeing the home teaching, home tutoring and alternative educational programs
- Serving as the Superintendent’s designee at suspension and expulsion hearings for classified students
- Coordinating Educational Climate Summary Data Collection
- Identifying budget needs in the areas of special education and pupil personnel services; participate in the development of the District’s annual budget
- Supervising the expenditure of funds for special education and pupil personnel services programs including the department operating budget and accounting for funded grants
- Participating in the District Emergency Response Team (DERT); Chair the District Health and Wellness Committee; reviewing and revising the District Code of Conduct on an annual basis
- Acting as the District McKinney-Vento Homeless Liaison, Dignity Act Coordinator, Title IX Coordinator, Title VII Coordinator, Civil Rights Coordinator
- Authorizing investigation of residency and attendance issues; communicating findings to parents and principals
- Coordinating mental health and nursing resources during crisis intervention
- Serving as a resource to school sites for emergencies, student discipline, safety issues, alternative education, health issues, and general questions or concerns
- Conducting Annual Professional Performance Review teacher evaluations
- Assisting in the evaluation of special education staff members
- Adhering to Board policies and District Code of Conduct
- Performing such duties in addition to those described above as may be assigned by the Superintendent
For additional information please visit https://arlingtonschools.recruitfront.com/JobOpportunities.
Applications will be accepted through 2/18/2025.
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